My Entrance Mass at the Cathedral

As many of you know, devotion to the Sacred Heart and that particular chapel in the Cathedral is very dear to my heart and soul. Praised be Jesus Christ!
Two weeks from today, on June 11th, the Feast of St. Barnabas, my actual Mass of Entrance into the cloister will be celebrated at 10:00 am at the Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus in Kansas City, MO. If thought of it arises in your mind, please say a prayer for me and my family during that time!
Prayer to the Sacred Heart
Take me, O Heart of Christ!
Take me, O Heart of Christ, in all that I am,
take me in all that I have and that I do,
in all that I think and all that I love!
Take me in my spirit, that it may cling to Thee;
take me in my willing, that it will but Thee;
take the depth of my heart, that it love only Thee!
Take me, O Heart of Christ, in my secret desires
so that you be my dream and only goal,
my one affection and my complete happiness!
Take me for the work of Thy great mission,
for a complete gift toward my neighbor's salvation,
and for every sacrifice in service of your people!
Take me, O Heart of Christ, without limits, without end;
take even what I've failed to offer Thee;
and never give back to me what you have taken in hand!
Take for eternity all that is in me,
that one day I may, O Heart, possess Thee,
in the embrace of Heaven take Thee and keep Thee!
-by Fr. Jean Galot, S.J.
Praised Be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever!
I was sad to read on the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles website that they have discontinued their blog. I have enjoyed reading both of your blogs and hope to hear about you in the newsletter.
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